About this Website


ICBP SURVMARK-2 provides data on cancer survival, incidence, and mortality within the second phase of the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP). ICBP is a unique and innovative global collaboration that brings together clinicians, policy-makers, researchers, and cancer data experts. It aims to measure international differences in cancer survival and, crucially, to identify factors that might be driving these differences. The ICBP SURVMARK-2 project was launched in July 2016 and is due to be completed in early 2020. The data presented are derived from 21 population-based cancer registries in seven countries (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom) and cover the period 1995–2014, with follow-up until 31 December 2015.


Please send any comments or queries about this website to the ICBP SURVMARK2 team at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC/WHO), in Lyon, France (survival@iarc.fr).

Team and Collaborators

ICBP SURVMARK-2 is a multipartner collaboration. The team and collaborators are listed on the project website.


The ICBP SURVMARK-2 online tool is based on population-based data, which present average population indicators of cancer incidence, mortality, and survival. The different statistics may be used by those who wish to obtain a clearer understanding of what different cancer survival measures mean and how survival differs across countries. However, it is important to note that patients’ individual prognosis will differ depending on other important clinical characteristics, such as the stage of the cancer at diagnosis. Patients should consult their physician for a more accurate assessment of their prognosis, because this website does not claim or attempt to provide any medical or professional advice related to individual outcomes. The ICBP SURVMARK-2 team at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC/WHO) reserves the right to update or change the information contained within this database at any time. IARC is not responsible for the information contained in any linked external websites.


IARC has proprietary rights to all materials on this website. Publications and data made available by IARC/WHO enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights are reserved. Materials (maps, estimates, and data) may be used "as is" for research, educational, or other non-commercial purposes, but the corresponding reference (see below) must be cited in all cases. Permission requests for any other use, including, but not limited to, use in conjunction with commercial purposes, should be addressed to publications@iarc.fr. Systematic retrieval of data to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, database, or directory without explicit prior written permission from IARC is prohibited.

Any use of the data published on this website should cite their source as follows: Arnold M, Rutherford M, Lam F, Bray F, Ervik M, Soerjomataram I (2019). ICBP SURVMARK-2 online tool: International Cancer Survival Benchmarking. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: http://gco.iarc.fr/survival/survmark, accessed [day/month/year].